Serving Scottsdale and Surrounding Areas
How much does pool service cost in Arizona?

Aquaman Pools will ensure your pool meets the highest standards.
So you’re thinking about hiring a pool service company and you’ve heard that you can get it done for cheap maybe even as cheap as $70 per month with chemicals. Red Flag alert!! I know it seems like a great deal to hire that person in the beat up pick up truck with a scratched up pool pole sticking out of the back but maybe we should examine this a bit first.
What if they set a valve wrong and flood your house? If they were uninsured you would be liable. What if the pool tech servicing your pool trips and breaks an ankle on your property? If they are uninsured you are liable. Insurance has an impact of how much weekly pool service costs.Licensed
The State of Arizona says that any company performing work that is complicated in nature such as handling and dosing pool chemicals or completing repairs over $1,000 must be licensed by the State Register of Contractors. If they are not licensed and perform work on your property that is not up to codes and standards good luck getting that corrected on anyone else’s dime but yours.
Your Water Matters
Unbalanced water is not safe for swimmers, damages the pool surface, and can be quite an eyesore. It’s incredibly important to keep a pool’s pH balance in line. The harsh Arizona sun and pre-loaded “hard” water presents a challenge that Aquaman can tackle. We understand the science of water chemistry and have the experience to balance out problems. It’s so much more than just sticking a colored tab in solution – we’re true water scientists!Give us a call today for a free, no obligation estimate.
Breaking It All Down: What Do You Need to Know About the Cost of Pool Cleaning?
The Bottom Line
As we can see, the answer to how much pool service costs in Arizona includes adding all of these costs together. A good quality pool service in Scottsdale and surrounding area should cost you somewhere between $115 to $140 per month depending upon the size of your pool or spa, and the amount of leaves and debris from surrounding foliage.Testimonials
What Our Clients Say
{% set title = 'Don't Let Prices Affect Your Family and Pool's Health' %} {% if title is not empty %} {{ title }} {% else %} Contact Aquaman Pools Today {% endif %}
The bottom line analysis shows us that a $75 and under pool cleaning service is a red flag! At best, these are usually no more than a splash in and dash out, and bad chemistry handling of your pool. This puts the health of your pool and equipment, and ultimately the health of your family at risk, and this never worth it. The old adage “you get what you pay for” always holds true in the pool business, and Aquaman Pools strongly believes that our customers and their pools always come first.