Does the Weather Impact Pool Health?
Hot, cold, hot cold… valley temps in the springtime seem a little, well, bi-polar. But does the weather impact the health of homeowner’s swimming pools? Aquaman breaks down how weather can affect the pool water and how pool owners can maintain a healthy pool with everyday tips.
Evaporation — Water loss based on evaporation can happen in any weather, but it tends to happen more quickly in hot weather. Keeping the pool water level consistent is important to maintain the balance of the pool chemicals. The level should fall right in the middle of the skimmer box opening. While a minimal amount of water loss is normal, pool owners should keep an eye on how quickly the water is evaporating. If it seems that the water level is decreasing more rapidly than usual, it might be time to do a leak test. A pool service company (like Aquaman Pools, of course) can help pool owners determine if they leaks or cracks in their interior surface or in the equipment that is causing the loss of water.
Organic Load — In the cold weather months, pools tend to see a lot more organic load — leaves and foliage dropping from nearby trees or dust and debris blowing in from a storm. All these droppings can have a major effect on the pool water, regardless of the season. If leaves and debris can not only impact the pool’s chemical balance, if they drop to the bottom, they can eventually stain the interior surface of the pool. Clearing out any dropping leaves, foliage and debris with a skimmer net, emptying out the filters, brushing the interior surface and tiles and running the vacuum can help reduce the negative impact organic load and other debris have on the pool.
Rainwater — Like organic load, rainwater from a winter or summer storm can affect the pool’s health, regardless of the season and the weather. Much like other droppings in the pool, rainwater can cause the chemical status of the water to become imbalanced. After a storm or rainfall, it’s a good idea to give the pool water a quick chemical test to determine what needs to be added to restore ideal chemical balance.
Freezing Temps — It’s highly unlikely in Phoenix, particularly with in-ground pools, but pool water can freeze and cause damage to the pool pipes and pumps if not managed correctly. For example, constantly moving water won’t typically freeze, which is why continuing to run the pump even during the winter season can help prevent damage to the pool in extreme cold weather. Those living in very cold climates should winterize or close their pools to avoid damage from freezing temperatures.
Regardless of the weather, the pool should be routinely maintained all year round to help keep it in tip top shape and manage the health of the water. Aquaman Pools professional pool technicians are always happy to help pool owners with this task. Just call today!