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Filling and Refilling the Pool Water
While the swimming pool can be one of the most enjoyable aspects of one’s backyard, pool owners have a lot of responsibility when it comes to maintaining the pool to keep it crystal clear and clean, especially in the summer. Aquaman Pools LLC offers a simple guide for managing one of the most basic, yet essential, parts of the swimming pool — the water!
Filling and refilling the pool takes a little preparation and some easy tips can help conserve water, too. For those filling a pool for the first time or after its been drained for whatever reason, a proper clean and scrub of the pool’s surface is the first step. Following that, a hose or a source of water for the pool will be required.
Having a pool water test kit handy is crucial for ensuring that the pool water remains balanced once the pool is filled. Starting off with the bare essentials such as pool chemicals, chlorine shock, and a long handled brush and net will help the pool owner clean the water too.
Filling the pool from a hose for the first time, or after it has been drained will take some time, so a timer on the hose may be extremely helpful. It’s also a good idea to do the filling during evening hours or overnight to mitigate evaporation from the Valley’s intense summer sun. The ideal water level to reach is right at the middle of the skimmer on the pool’s surface. Once it reaches that level, pool owner should refill it as need to consistently maintain that level.
Once the pool is filled to the appropriate level, it’s a good idea to run the pool’s filtration system and test any other accessories or equipment. Next up is chlorinating the water with about three pounds of shock; this amount can vary and it’s important to scatter the chemical around the entire surface of the pool water. The water should then be tested for its pH levels. To avoid having to backwash the pool often, pool owners should also keep filters clean. Professional pool technicians from Aquaman Pools can advise as to the proper amount of shock needed for a specific pool, balance the water’s chemical needs and can also offer cleaning services.
Once a pool is filled, it should not have to be refilled if the pool owner takes proper care of the water, or employs the help of a professional pool service company to manage the maintenance. For any questions about filling or refilling the pool this summer, give the experts at Aquaman Pools a call!