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The Pros and Cons of Pool Covers

Now that it’s fall (despite the triple-digit temps with no end in sight!), it’s time to start thinking about taking care of the swimming pool for the seasons during which it gets less use. Some people prefer not to use a cover and to keep their pool opened year round, which necessitates year-round maintenance. Those that have a second home, travel during the fall and winter months, or don’t use the pool at all during these seasons may want to consider a pool cover. Aquaman Pools LLC offers some “pool cover 101” to help pool owners decide what’s right for their pool.

Pool covers offer a myriad of benefits. Covering the pool leads to less evaporation, keeps the pool free of debris, requires less chemicals and maintenance, and retains temperature/heat of the water. Some pool covers offer an added safety and/or security element. Aside from the benefits, comes the decision of what type of pool cover is best — and that all depends on each pool owner’s needs.

For example, automatic pool covers are ideal for rectangular pools, but not so much for pools that don’t fit into that box (so to speak). They are also very costly — starting at several thousand dollars. Solar pool covers are on the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of cost, but they do keep the heat in. Tarp covers are typically the least expensive type of pool cover. They keep water in and debris out; however, at the beginning of the next swimming season, the water needs to be pumped away from the top of the cover.

Pool owners with little ones may want to consider a swimming pool cover that offers an element of safety and protection. There are a multitude of brands on the market, made of varying materials. Some of these are designed to prevent a child (or pet) from falling through into the pool, which is a great safety bonus for parents. However, if this is the sole or top priority for the pool cover, it’s crucial to ensure its been installed or attached correctly so it can do its job — keep a child or pet from accidentally falling through into the water — should the occasion arise.

As with other pool accessories, options abound when it comes to pool covers. It’s important to determine the need for the pool cover — what is most important to the pool owner in terms of covering the pool. In the valley, pools don’t necessarily need pool covers to protect them from extreme weather so that’s not an issue. However, pool owners that are considering pool covers for other reasons can always give their Aquaman Pools technician a call to inquire about the best one for their pool.